Daily Wisdom

leadership, management, guidance

Decide what type of leader you want to be…

What comes to you mind when you think of a leader? This is an interesting question and the answer will be a little different for each of us. Your answer will be influenced heavily by your past experiences and by the people who you have encountered in your life. Our

Sometimes You Have to Throw the Stone

Sometimes You Have to Throw the Stone

I wrote the article below a little over a year ago, but thought it was worth revisiting, especially considering all that we are dealing with today. COVID-19, protest for racial justice, and the current political climate is enough to cause even the strongest amongst us to feel a little stressed.

Garbage Man

“The Law of the Garbage Truck Driver”

We are facing many challenges today. The economy has taken a downward turn, millions of people are out of work, social unrest is rampant, and to top it off we are dealing with a pandemic, COVID-19.   Some people are having a hard time dealing with all that is going

Nothing’s Ever Wasted (N.E.W.)

Welcome to the relaunching of It’s a Blog that provides Leadership and Life Lessons For The Rest Of Us: A Commonsense Approach, thus the title of the blog. For my first posting in over three years I want to discuss the concept of N.E.W. (Nothing’s Ever Wasted). Throughout our

“Today is the first day to the rest of your life”

We have all heard the phrase “today is the first day of the rest of your life”. Although there is some question on who originally coined the phrase, most sources credit it to Charles Dederich who founded the drug rehab group Synanon in the 1960’s. I felt this was a

Tomorrow Is Not Promised…

Procrastination can be one of our biggest enemies. How many times have we put off important decisions until tomorrow? One such decision is making preparations on how we will spend eternity. For those of you who are non-believers give me a minute and I will get back to you in

Leaders Need a Little Downtime Too…

The majority of leaders are driven by nature. They work long hours to ensure that the “job” gets done. Good leaders will also work to ensure that the people who they are responsible for are taking care of themselves, but many times they forget that they need taking care of also. They neglect eating

It’s all about your perspective…

All of us at one time or another have felt that our current situation, for lack of a better word…SUCKS!!! You feel that you’re being dumped on and the “good life” is passing you by. Just remember, it’s all about your perspective. You’re heard the saying “I was angry because