Welcome to

H. Montgomery Jr.'s
Leadership and Life Lessons
for the Rest of Us:

"A Common Sense Approach"
Leadership & Life Lessons

This is a website for the leader that we all have inside us. If you go to any bookstore or library, you will find at least a couple of dozen books on the topic of leadership. Titles such as “On Becoming A Leader” by William Bennis, “The New Art Of The Leader” by William A Cohen, “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions” By John C. Maxwell, “The Leadership Lessons of Jesus” by Bob Briner & Ray Pritchard, just to name a few. Each of these books have great insights and tips on the makeup of an effective leader. Navigating through the many diverse views about leadership can be a bit overwhelming. That is where this site can be of help. I will take the leadership and life lessons that I have acquired over the years and discuss them in layman’s terms for the rest of us.

New topics will be posted periodically so visit the site often. In addition to posting articles on various leadership topics, there is a section devoted to humor. We all can use a laugh from time to time. There is also an audio section where you can listen to topics while you are engaging in other activities. The Starting Our Day Together section will be a replay of my morning session that can also be found on my Facebook page. And finally, there is a section that is simply tips to live by. It is my hope that this site will spark a dialogue with its readers and become a forum for them to share ideas and thoughts about leadership. It is a place where the “rest of us” can share with each other leadership tips that we come across in our everyday lives.

Leadership Tips & Inspirational Sayings

Daily wisdom

